Monday, December 22, 2008

A Tammy twist on an old favorite

On the last weekend before Christmas, I've been really busy.....

We made 12 dozen meatballs
There are still 11 unwrapped gifts
We had 10 groceries bags after food shopping
We made 9 batches of fudge
Mom made 8 dozen cookies
There are 7 un-ripened bananas (waiting to be made into bread)
I had to go and buy 6 last minute gifts
I did 5 loads of laundry
We used 4 pounds of butter
I broke 3 of my fingernails
We had 2 new hair cuts and colors
And we made 1 trip to the ER (nothing serious Mom bruised her foot badly)

I also cleaned the upstairs of the house, got the oil changed in the Jeep, went to Home Depot and Lowes with hubby, went to the tanning salon and helped hubby get his old radios out from the deep dark corner of the attaic. Glad Christmas comes but once a year.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Broken fingernails and hospital visit oh my goodness!!! Is it turkey yet?????