Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me
Come on everyone sing along........
Only if all pirates could be as hot and sexy as Charlton Heston
Or Orlando Bloom
Lyrics by Xavier Atencio and music by George Bruns
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We extort, we pilfer, we filch, and sack,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Maraud and embezzle, and even high-jack,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We kindle and char, inflame and ignite,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We burn up the city, we're really a fright,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We're rascals, scoundrals, villans, and knaves,
We're rascals, scoundrals, villans, and knaves,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We're beggars and blighters, ne'er-do-well cads,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Happy Talk like a Pirate Day! Yes, yet another silly made up holiday like Valentines Day to honor something silly. It isn't meant to worship or make pirates into idols by any means. I mean really, pirates are Addled, Bilge-sucking rats, Scallywag scurvy dogs! They were horrible, horrible beings! They really did pillage and plunder and a hell of a lot worse than that. So why did a day to Talk like them come to be? Out of pure silliness. It's a day to make fun and have fun. And of course any excuse to drink a lot of RUM!!!
Only if all pirates could be as hot and sexy as Charlton Heston

Or Johnny Depp

Or hell, even Keira Knightley 

In honor of the day I wanted to show you all my lastest tissue box cover that will be available at the craft show on Saturday, December 5th

Cute huh? I think it turned out great and I'm very happy with it. So enjoy the day and remember to Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Well surprise, surprise, come on open your eyes And let your love shine down
HEY! Yes, I did come back even though I was so super tempted to stay. At 104 degrees it was still more comfortable then 83 degrees here since there isn't the humidity there. There is a smell out there (no not smog), it a smell you can only get in California. And the vibe is different. Nice place to visit, maybe even live there but then I remember the earthquake argument and decide I will stay here instead.
It was a great long weekend and John was surprised, to say the least. I first sent him a cake to his hotel in Berkeley. I figured if I didn't do something for his birthday he might think something is up. I mean, I am a thoughtful wife. He didn't think to take a picture until after I talked to him and asked for one. I do have to say that the cake was really good. (There was the tiniest piece left when I finally caught up with him)
Since I don't know my way around Los Angeles that well, I had balloons delivered to the hotel that I was meeting him at. The latex balloons had lost most of their air by the time I got to them.
I'm kind of glad he was having a hectic weekend because it made it much easier for me to travel with little phone contact. I told him I was going to Great Adventure on Saturday and a concert Sunday night. That way if he called me and I didn't answer or he heard people and noise in the background I was covered. I made sure to take all precautions just in case and didn't need them because I hardly even talked to him. I did call him in the afternoon on his birthday and sang Happy Birthday to him but he was driving and busy so it was a short call. That was ok for me since the less time spent talking to him the less likely I would be to blurt out that I was in Los Angeles waiting for him.
The Moment of Truth:
I got to the hotel a few hours a head of him. I had time to shower and even catch an hours worth of sleep, which I needed after one long day of travel and one long fabulous day in Disneyland. I pulled in around 12:30am Pacific time, I was tired but hyped up on adrenaline. He didn't arrive until 3:30 am and didn't come into the hotel until 3:50ish because he was busy eating something or other on the bus. Dan, the other driver who knew I was there, kept trying to through hints to John that it was time to call it a night and go to his room. Mean while, I'm in the hotel lobby with a fist full of balloons with butterflies in my belly. Shelia, the wonderful woman at the front desk allowed me to hide in the office just off of the front desk. When John walked in and gave his name she told him he had a package waiting for him. She turned to me and said something like "Can you bring that package there on the desk out for Mr Kubus?" Of course he couldn't see me in the office so I walked to the doorway and put the balloons threw first, then I stepped in behind the desk. He had a look of shock and confusion on his face, like it took a few beats for him to recognize that it was his wife standing there. I said, "Happy Birthday" and his jaw dropped. "What are you doing here?" he asked me. "I came to wish you a Happy Birthday!" I said. I turned to make my way out of the office and he met me in the hallway and gave me a big, tight hug. Glad he was happy to see me. I was worried that I might have showed up and screwed up some plans he had for his day off. But he was happy, bonus!
We all had happy tears in our eyes, including Shelia. She told me she loved surprises. So glad she was there to help me. I don't want to sound full of myself but damn that was a great surprise! He had no idea I was there nor thought that I was coming out to see him. Made me happy that I could surprise him and make his day. Of course it worried him a bit that I could hide it from him so well. I reassured him that I got a belly ache every time I had to fib a bit to him.
I only had a few days to hang out so I made sure the first thing we did was go and eat. MMM, I love In-N-Out burgers and fries.
We ate our lunch at the Brady Bunch House. Well, we parked out in front of it and ate.
Then we drove up to Granda Hills and checked out a really cool Eichler homes.
Of course we couldn't be in Los Angeles together at not go to Micheli's. It may be my favorite place to go together in California. Just feels like "our" place. 
And I finally got to go to the Disney Soda Fountain & Studio Store myself. After all these years of sending John to fetch me pins, I got to go and get my own.
And while there I had a Pin Traders Delight Sundae. Yummy! But it truly wasn't as much about the sundae as it was the pin. 
It was a great long weekend and John was surprised, to say the least. I first sent him a cake to his hotel in Berkeley. I figured if I didn't do something for his birthday he might think something is up. I mean, I am a thoughtful wife. He didn't think to take a picture until after I talked to him and asked for one. I do have to say that the cake was really good. (There was the tiniest piece left when I finally caught up with him)

I'm kind of glad he was having a hectic weekend because it made it much easier for me to travel with little phone contact. I told him I was going to Great Adventure on Saturday and a concert Sunday night. That way if he called me and I didn't answer or he heard people and noise in the background I was covered. I made sure to take all precautions just in case and didn't need them because I hardly even talked to him. I did call him in the afternoon on his birthday and sang Happy Birthday to him but he was driving and busy so it was a short call. That was ok for me since the less time spent talking to him the less likely I would be to blurt out that I was in Los Angeles waiting for him.
I got to the hotel a few hours a head of him. I had time to shower and even catch an hours worth of sleep, which I needed after one long day of travel and one long fabulous day in Disneyland. I pulled in around 12:30am Pacific time, I was tired but hyped up on adrenaline. He didn't arrive until 3:30 am and didn't come into the hotel until 3:50ish because he was busy eating something or other on the bus. Dan, the other driver who knew I was there, kept trying to through hints to John that it was time to call it a night and go to his room. Mean while, I'm in the hotel lobby with a fist full of balloons with butterflies in my belly. Shelia, the wonderful woman at the front desk allowed me to hide in the office just off of the front desk. When John walked in and gave his name she told him he had a package waiting for him. She turned to me and said something like "Can you bring that package there on the desk out for Mr Kubus?" Of course he couldn't see me in the office so I walked to the doorway and put the balloons threw first, then I stepped in behind the desk. He had a look of shock and confusion on his face, like it took a few beats for him to recognize that it was his wife standing there. I said, "Happy Birthday" and his jaw dropped. "What are you doing here?" he asked me. "I came to wish you a Happy Birthday!" I said. I turned to make my way out of the office and he met me in the hallway and gave me a big, tight hug. Glad he was happy to see me. I was worried that I might have showed up and screwed up some plans he had for his day off. But he was happy, bonus!
We all had happy tears in our eyes, including Shelia. She told me she loved surprises. So glad she was there to help me. I don't want to sound full of myself but damn that was a great surprise! He had no idea I was there nor thought that I was coming out to see him. Made me happy that I could surprise him and make his day. Of course it worried him a bit that I could hide it from him so well. I reassured him that I got a belly ache every time I had to fib a bit to him.
I hated to leave but I had to get back to work. Ugh!
And.......Before I went to see and surprise my husband I made a quick stop to see my boyfriend........
Yes, I went to Disneyland. Just for one day. I had so much fun!
Met up with an online friend Dee and had lunch with her and her husband. We rode a few rides. It was great meeting them and they are a lot of fun.
We shared Beignets at Cafe Orleans which I can officially call my favorite restaurant in Disneyland. MMM, Blackened Chicken Caesar, Beignets and non stop iced tea on a hot day, it was a great meal.
Now that I'm back I'm back in craft show mode. The sweatshop has helped me finish all the sewing for any and all sports boxes. All I have to do is assemble. We have moved on to a few different things for this year. I promise to post once I have pictures.
Had to show this one off. This is Briar Fox for those who don't know him, he is from Song of the South. As far as I know he was and still is a very rare character sighting so I was very happy to see him and get a nice photo with him.
My favorite character of the trip had to be Princess Minnie Mouse. How beautiful is this dress? Since it was just me in line waiting for a photo, I felt that I got some extra Minnie love. She kissed me and giggled (something new) and she was very interactive with me. I love the characters and like to collect pictures with different ones and some of the same characters but in different attire. This was a super nice encounter.
And this really bad photo is of Dumbo flying during the fireworks! So cool!
Don't worry I wasn't slacking while gone, I crafted while away. Nothing for the craft show though. I needed a change of pace for a few day so I crocheted myself two purses.

This was a kit I got from Mary Maxim called Dolly Bag. It came with the yarn, pattern, button and handles. I hadn't crocheted for a really, really long time but I had no problem picking it back up. This pattern was so simple and fast. So fast that I started and finished one purse on my trip out, went to Wal-mart got more yarn and started and finished the second one on my trip home.
John gave me a really hard time about going to Disneyland before seeing him. He teased me about how the only reason I came to visit and surprise him was because he was in Los Angeles and if he had been in eastbumblefucknowhere I wouldn't have done it. I say NOT TRUE! This birthday was a milestone for John and I wanted to help him celebrate it right. I would have gone anywhere to surprise him, this just happened to be a really fun place to do it!
Don't worry I wasn't slacking while gone, I crafted while away. Nothing for the craft show though. I needed a change of pace for a few day so I crocheted myself two purses.
Now that I'm back I'm back in craft show mode. The sweatshop has helped me finish all the sewing for any and all sports boxes. All I have to do is assemble. We have moved on to a few different things for this year. I promise to post once I have pictures.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Got a surprise especially for you....
It's hubby's 50th birthday and boy do I have a surprise for him.

Can you guess?
Yep, he's in Los Angeles working. So I've decided to fly out and surprise him. I've been planning and plotting for a few months now and FINALLY it's here! It's been so difficult trying to keep this all a big secret. I have to thank everyone who has helped me you plan this and those who encourage and reassured me when I got nervous and doubtful. Thanks to everybody who let me bounce ideas off you and thanks for listening.
Oh yeah, I did manage to work in a quick visit.........
Details when I get back! See ya real soon!

Can you guess?

Oh yeah, I did manage to work in a quick visit.........
Details when I get back! See ya real soon!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy 50th Birthday dear John, Happy Birthday to you!
Love you, Have a Great Birthday!
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